Thursday 23 July 2015

Sad No More

Hello Dear,

Sometimes, even the happiest person can feel really sad. It's like a heavy weight on your heart, even though it won't last forever. During those times, all the positivity seems to disappear. But don't worry, everyone goes through tough times. Nothing stays the same forever; even the strongest people have to leave this world someday. They say time heals everything, but only you truly understand the pain you feel. It's like the world is against you, and all you can think about is the sad moments you've faced.

But hey, guess what? I'm feeling super sentimental today... all because my laptop is getting old and I got a warning about changing the battery. Silly, right? But that's me—I'm an emotional fool sometimes. I act all dramatic to express my feelings. Sure, God's there to help, and everything happens for a reason. But if you're like me, you might even blame God for your troubles, with no one to share your silly grievances. Luckily, I have amazing friends who put up with my endless dramas. I'm so thankful for them.

If you ever feel like you don't want to bother your friends with your problems, trust me, writing helps. Putting your thoughts on paper can ease your mind. They say a problem shared is a problem halved. And keeping a diary can help you see how far you've come. Plus, it's fun to look back at old memories.

Enough sadness, though! I watched a movie called "The Longest Ride" today. It's based on a novel by Nicholas Sparks, and it's full of beautiful love stories. One of them, about an old couple who wrote letters to each other every day, really touched my heart. Their love was so pure and inspiring. The movie's definitely worth watching. Oh, and the soundtrack, "Wildfire," at the end is just perfect.

Remember, it's okay to feel sad sometimes. We're meant to experience all kinds of emotions. But just like a dark night ends with a sunrise, your sadness will pass too. "If it's dark, you're still in your dreams... wake up and start a new day, a happier YOU."




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