Sunday, 26 July 2015

A Bullet that can Change a Life

Hello dear, 

Sometimes, people can have a big impact on us without us even realizing it. Whether we notice it or not, someone we never thought we would like can end up influencing us a lot. Some of these changes can be good for us, but others might change how we see our future. It's not fair to say everyone is a victim though. I've been called a victim before, but that doesn't mean I don't have my own life that I love. Different people have different opinions about others, so it's not the same for everyone.

For example, let's say I hang out with someone who always exercises in the morning, but I'm not really a morning person. I might have thought about exercising in the morning before, but never actually did it until I started hanging out with this person. They inspired me to start, and I ended up loving it. People might notice the change and give credit to the person I'm with, or maybe no one will notice at all. But the important thing is that they helped me pull the trigger on something I wanted to do but couldn't get started on my own.

In life, we meet a lot of people. Some make us feel good, and some make us feel bad. But what matters most is what's inside us. Because in the end, everyone leaves, and we're the ones left dealing with everything. They might influence who we are today, but they only play a small part. It's mostly up to us. No matter how many times someone else pulls the trigger, if we don't have the bullets ready, nothing happens. It's our choice what kind of bullets we want them to be. When we take control of our thoughts, we can aim for our goals better.



Thursday, 23 July 2015

Sad No More

Hello Dear,

Sometimes, even the happiest person can feel really sad. It's like a heavy weight on your heart, even though it won't last forever. During those times, all the positivity seems to disappear. But don't worry, everyone goes through tough times. Nothing stays the same forever; even the strongest people have to leave this world someday. They say time heals everything, but only you truly understand the pain you feel. It's like the world is against you, and all you can think about is the sad moments you've faced.

But hey, guess what? I'm feeling super sentimental today... all because my laptop is getting old and I got a warning about changing the battery. Silly, right? But that's me—I'm an emotional fool sometimes. I act all dramatic to express my feelings. Sure, God's there to help, and everything happens for a reason. But if you're like me, you might even blame God for your troubles, with no one to share your silly grievances. Luckily, I have amazing friends who put up with my endless dramas. I'm so thankful for them.

If you ever feel like you don't want to bother your friends with your problems, trust me, writing helps. Putting your thoughts on paper can ease your mind. They say a problem shared is a problem halved. And keeping a diary can help you see how far you've come. Plus, it's fun to look back at old memories.

Enough sadness, though! I watched a movie called "The Longest Ride" today. It's based on a novel by Nicholas Sparks, and it's full of beautiful love stories. One of them, about an old couple who wrote letters to each other every day, really touched my heart. Their love was so pure and inspiring. The movie's definitely worth watching. Oh, and the soundtrack, "Wildfire," at the end is just perfect.

Remember, it's okay to feel sad sometimes. We're meant to experience all kinds of emotions. But just like a dark night ends with a sunrise, your sadness will pass too. "If it's dark, you're still in your dreams... wake up and start a new day, a happier YOU."




Saturday, 18 July 2015

Now is the Time to Start

Hello again, 

I watched the movie "Ex Machina" today. I know, I'm a bit late to the party. It's about a programmer named Caleb, who's kind of the hero. He works for Bluebook, the top search engine, owned by Nathan. At first, I thought Nathan was good, but turns out, he's more of a villain. And then there's Ava, the AI robot Nathan built, who ends up killing him. That part confused me a bit.

Anyway, I'm not great at storytelling, so let's get to the point. In the movie, Nathan talks about a painting by Jackson Pollock. He explains that Pollock didn't plan his paintings; he just started and ended up creating masterpieces. It got me thinking—what if Pollock had just kept thinking instead of painting? He wouldn't have created anything. The same goes for us. If we spend too much time thinking about what to do, we might never start and miss out on the end result.

I've been studying my new project for over a semester now, but I still haven't started. Watching this movie made me realize that if I don't start now, I might never finish. So, I'm getting all my project stuff out, and I'm starting tomorrow—no more procrastination!

Even though it's common knowledge, I never really tried applying it until now. I'm glad I watched the movie; it was really helpful. Remember, if you want to do something, do it now. Start small, and before you know it, you'll be halfway there. It might seem tough at first, but if you're passionate about it, you'll get through it.

Good day


Saturday, 11 July 2015

Lucky You

Hello Ha,

Every day brings its own set of challenges. Everyone faces problems, even if they don't show it. So, even if someone looks happy on the outside, they might be struggling inside. We shouldn't judge people based on appearances. Instead, we should accept ourselves, both in good times and bad. I've learned this from my own experiences. I've shown a lot of emotions, but that's okay—it's who I am. Over the years, I've realized that happiness leads to love, but anger doesn't. So, we should choose our emotions wisely. Appreciate the little things, love deeply, and live life to the fullest. Nobody else is responsible for who I am, and I feel lucky to be me. This is what's been on my mind today. Let me know if there are any mistakes. Sending lots of love.



Friday, 10 July 2015

Sharing the Dreams


My name is Menan  (as in Menan, Idaho), which I am sure my father didn't even realize while naming me. Anyway, I am from a small state called Manipur in India. This is my new blog. Growing up in a small place, I didn't know much about the big wide world. But I've always been curious and open to new experiences. I love trying new things, meeting new people, and watching movies. With each new friend, each new place I visit, and every movie I watch, I learn something new and grow a little more. I still have a lot to learn, though. So, in this blog, I want to share my experiences and the lessons I've learned along the way. Maybe someday, someone will find it inspiring and live their life to the fullest. I'll start today with this: "No matter how tough life gets, never give up on your dreams."

