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Wings to fly high |
Monday, 14 November 2016
Moving forward
Saturday, 11 June 2016
My shit dreams...hhahaha
I want to be everything - an engineer, a fashion designer, a painter, a YouTuber, a photographer, a writer, an actor, a chef, a model, and more. It's not just about escaping to something better. I truly admire these professions, and I want to live in their world, be part of them, and experience life through their eyes. Some may laugh at my many dreams and say it's unrealistic. They might call it greedy to want it all in one lifetime. But the people around me inspire me so much that I can't help but dream big. I've tried to pursue these dreams, but maybe my determination wasn't enough, or maybe life is just too short. I'm just an ordinary girl who loves to relax but also dreams of achieving greatness. I often procrastinate and miss out on things because I'm careless and have a weak mind. But there's still hope inside me. Someday, I believe I'll make it happen. Even if I never reach all my dreams, I'll get as close as I can. Because one day, when I'm gone, it will be my dreams that live on.
Focus on one dream at a time. Once you start making progress, the rest will fall into place.
Keep dreaming. It's not just about achieving your dreams; it's about the journey. Even if you don't reach them all, you'll gain valuable experiences along the way.
Wednesday, 25 May 2016
The path we pick
From my last blog post to today, this might seem like the most hypocritical example in history ever.
A lot has changed, and it feels like I've lost my sense of belonging. And honestly, I couldn't care less about finding my way back to where I should be. Maybe this is just another sentimental cry for attention from someone who seems to hunger for it. But regardless, we all have moments where we just need a little attention and some small talk to calm our wandering souls. And even when we get everything we think we want, our weak minds still aren't satisfied. We're always craving for more. Like my sister always says, human wants are unlimited.
Well, those are some wild thoughts (as always). Apart from that, I've completed my M. Tech, and I am officially a proud Master in Environmental Engineering, a specialization in Civil Engineering. So basically, it's a civil engineering degree, but I prefer to be called an environmentalist! I enjoyed the research, despite the tough times, and hopefully, if luck is on my side, I might continue doing research in the future. I guess whatever path we take, it eventually leads us to where we truly want our lives to lead us. Those who have chosen engineering just as a choice might have an idea. And there are indeed many people with academic degrees in engineering or even PhDs who continue to pursue their passions and follow their dreams. And one day, you'll be known for who you really are - someone extraordinary. We all came into this world for a reason, and yes, we'll be remembered how we want to be remembered.
Do what you do, Never stop dreaming, and Chase your dreams...
"Never give up on something you really want. It's difficult to wait, but worst to regret."
Sunday, 7 February 2016
Running a diet to swipe procrastination
Are you struggling with procrastination? Well, if you are, then we're in the same boat. Maybe I'm even the worst procrastinator on the planet! I've missed out on so many things just because I felt too lazy to start right away. But today is a new day because here I am, back in the blogging land.
Every time I come here, I always promise myself that I'll stop procrastinating and start writing consistently. But if I'm being honest, I've been doing the exact same thing with my life too, and it seems to get me nowhere. So all my work piles up until I reach the final moment. And let me tell you, one thing that's for sure is that it stresses me out, and the work ends up almost undone. Even if it's done, it's not going to be the same next time. NEVER...!
I've been living my life like this until recently.
On January 30th, 2016, to be exact, I was browsing YouTube about customizing my journal. It's not a big thing, but yes, I do keep a journal, and unlike most people, mine runs on a monthly basis (just like this blog). Then I stumbled upon this amazing video by Robin Sharma titled "How I Beat Procrastination." It's a must-watch video. It's unfortunate that I hadn't seen it long before. I'm sure most people know him. For those who don't, he's the author of "The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari" (a great book, truly inspiring).
Okay, enough talk. Coming back to the YouTube video, Sharma talks about overcoming procrastination and taking control of your life. The best part of the video is where he talks about the 30-day procrastination diet. And in my experience, it's been going great. I really love the idea behind it. He also talks about visualizing our dreams through pictures and a few other things. Watch it now! For me, writing this blog is also part of the diet.
Sunday, 17 January 2016
Happy New Year 2016
Hey there, I'm back! After my vacation last year in 2015, I've returned in 2016. Ta-da! You know how I always like to pretend to be busy (as usual). But this year, I'm feeling hopeful. Maybe 2016 will be a year of consistent blogging for me, with no more procrastination along the way (though I've already started that this year).
Well, every year brings its own set of memories, but 2015 was particularly special because of my sister's wedding. I mentioned it in one of my earlier blogs before I left for vacation. She's incredibly happy, and seeing her like that makes me happy too. If you have sisters, you'll probably understand the feeling I'm talking about.
Mom and dad are also happy for them. Obviously!
And so is everyone else. My sister now partially belongs to them. Of course, they can never have all by themselves. I am gonna keep her with me. huhu.. selfish me!
Anyway, 2015 was a great year for me and I hope 2016 will be better. And I pray and wish everyone a great healthy and awesome wonderful year.