Sunday 1 November 2015

Welcome Winter

Hello dear,

So, November 1st marks the start of chilly winter. Though I'm not a big fan of winter, I do enjoy the fresh start of a new season. My blog's title suggests that each day holds something special, and sometimes we just need a reason to believe it. Lately, I've been feeling a bit down, missing home. Ten days of Durga Puja vacation wasn't enough to satisfy my longing for the familiar warmth of home, especially with my sister's upcoming wedding adding to the nostalgia. Family love is irreplaceable; no matter how far we go, they remain our constant support. Yet, I'm grateful for the family I have here – my friends. Love you, people <3 <3. . They fill my life with companionship, erasing loneliness and making me feel at home. With their love, the gloomy season doesn't affect me much; brighter days are ahead!

All I say is love yourself and love the ones around you. Every one of us is family, and we are all related somehow somewhere. It's just a matter of how far we look into the family tree.

With all the love, here's to a better start to days; happy winter, folks!! 


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