Monday, 14 September 2015

Amidst the Maturity

Hello Love,

The Lazy blogger is back! Well, I can't totally blame myself for being lazy because I've been thinking a lot about what to write... I just couldn't bring myself to type it out. Pretty pathetic, huh? Also, I've gotten really good at making lame excuses! But seriously, I was a bit busy with my project. Okay, enough excuses. Let's continue...

So, I go to class—or rather, I have to go work on my project, whether I feel like it or not. Gone are the days of going to school, studying a bit, playing a lot, and having tons of fun. Nostalgia hits me hard. Unlike PhD students who work alone and late into the night, one good thing about doing a Masters is that you still have friends to hang out with and have fun. We're in this weird phase of life where we're neither kids nor adults. In some countries, most people our age are already grown up, with jobs, marriages, and kids. And here I am, writing a blog and complaining about it, which I'm not even good at. While our parents expect us to get high-paying jobs and settle down, I still love having fun and sometimes acting like a kid. What's wrong with that? Nothing! Or maybe something's wrong with me. I'm clueless!

When I was little, I used to wonder how adults handled things and worked so systematically. Twenty years ago, I never imagined myself sitting here thinking about it. I probably didn't even know there were people outside my house. Now that I'm grown up, I still don't feel like an adult. Physically, we all grow up and do things that make us seem like adults. But mentally, I still feel like a kid at heart. Sometimes, certain situations make me wonder if I've really grown up to the age I imagined myself being twenty years ago. Sometimes, I notice my parents and their friends doing things that make me think about being a kid again. I'm sorry if that's offensive. What I'm trying to say is, from the moment we're born, we start growing and learning, but our core remains the same throughout. Twenty years from now, we'll probably feel the same way.

Life happens, we grow up, but our minds stay young. Many of us learn new things that make us act like we know what's going on, but deep down, we all fear the consequences. It's knowledge and experience that guide us in dealing with the situations life throws at us.

I asked a few friends about this, and guess what? They feel the same way. Of course, different people have different feelings. I'm not a psychologist, nor am I researching this topic. It just popped into my head, so I wrote it down.

We are never too Old

In Photo: S. Singh, B.Debbarma, J. Maulong. PC: S. Mallik

 All I learn from what I feel is that, this world is a complex mixture of knowledge so are our capability to think or feel. And what is wrong in feeling like a kid once in a while. If we want to have fun and enjoy life we must. This doesn't mean we have to start our life from a kid's perspective, we must see and apply to the situation.
Anyway, what Age have to  do with having fun! After all we are all God's Children. And we are all young and wild by HEART!

Enjoy every moment and live Life



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