Sunday 15 November 2015

Visiting The Water Palace "Neermahal"

Helo dear,

Many people enjoy traveling and exploring new places, relishing the fresh atmosphere and environment. They often say the best part is the journey itself—the roads they traverse. I'm no exception; I get thrilled about visiting new destinations. However, unlike others, I'm not a fan of the journey itself. I have this travel phobia thing going on! (or maybe it's just motion sickness; I'm not sure.) I become a completely different person while traveling. Strangely, as soon as I step out of the daunting journey (which, according to my own experience, not everyone has), I return to my usual self. Yeah!! The same thing happened when I visited Neermahal (The Water Palace).

The Water Palace ("Neermahal")

Just when I step out of the vehicle and saw the place, the water, the cold air breeze, the far image of the palace melt away my dizziness!. The fact that we have to ride on a boat to go the palace was one attractive thing I love about it. And when we finally we reach inside the palace, even though it was still on renovation, entering inside the palace gave a soothing calm and royalness. I felt like a princess walking though the hallways.
It was indeed a memorable and a wonderful experience along with my friends. We had a great time.

Photo Courtesy: R.D.Franco & Pooh

Yet another awesome place to visit if you ever come to  "Agartala"



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