Hey ya'll
It's been a while, a long time indeed. Life has been moving forward, bringing along a few changes. One significant shift is my admission to a Ph.D. program at IIT Guwahati. So, Guwahati becomes my new home for the next few years, while my native state, Manipur, turns into a quarterly retreat. It's just a short flight away, but time and money are the real factors now. They say money can't buy happiness, and it's true, but it can sure open doors to opportunities (as in my case). I'm not saying this because I'm wealthy or not, just gathering tiny pieces for the future. It's about starting something now, so our forties aren't spent wondering where to go. Some have already planned and live the life they want; I'm just beginning.
Wings to fly high |
Starting my Ph.D., many asked if it wasn't enough already... Yes, it is! I'm tired, and sometimes I feel like running away from all this. Research is a different experience; amidst frustration and tension, there's also pleasure in pursuing it (hopefully, for me too). Plus, I need this degree to become a professor, which is what I'm looking out for the most. I might not fully endorse further studies, but to those who questioned, it's not just about studying. It's about my life, about not stopping and searching for my path- to the ultimate end of becoming who I really want to be. Most days, I don't know where I want to go, or what I want in life exactly, too many options, but I believe I'll navigate through. And also stopping might mean never getting up again, so for me, a Ph.D. is a step forward, continuing towards the journey ahead. Hopefully, I'll find where I belong and reward myself for the hurdles. If you're like me, never put a break. Do something! And remember to enjoy yourself. What's all the hard work for if you don't find pleasure in what you do? 😜😜😂
All I want to say is we live in a world bound by rules and norms set by mankind, and to survive, we must move forward no matter where we stand. If we never stop, someday, we will reach the top and pay ourselves for the climb.
The climb is challenging, but the view is excellent.
Inspired by a friend who believes in non-stop living our dreams and not being afraid of the failures in progress...
"Someday, when you reach the top and stand firm.
You won't be afraid of falling down again
Cuz each time you failed, you became stronger
Someday when you achieve your goal.
You'll receive your blessings and praise.
From those who don't even know your name before."
By sum_e
I hope everyone will work hard for fruitful success and contentment in life.
All the very best in your future endeavors.
God will help those who help themselves.
Be well ✌