Sunday, 17 January 2016

Happy New Year 2016

Hello dear

Hey there, I'm back! After my vacation last year in 2015, I've returned in 2016. Ta-da! You know how I always like to pretend to be busy (as usual). But this year, I'm feeling hopeful. Maybe 2016 will be a year of consistent blogging for me, with no more procrastination along the way (though I've already started that this year).

Well, every year brings its own set of memories, but 2015 was particularly special because of my sister's wedding. I mentioned it in one of my earlier blogs before I left for vacation. She's incredibly happy, and seeing her like that makes me happy too. If you have sisters, you'll probably understand the feeling I'm talking about.

In my mind I always recall myself the quote "Marriage are  made in Heaven so are thunders and lightening". Not that I am offended by marriage but the quote always struck me whenever there is marriage word. I have seen many couple along my lifetime each one having their own unique ways. Like for the nearest my mom and dad. I have seen them quarrel and its not like they grudge over it for long. Eventually they forgive and forget and watching my sister and my brother in law, I felt like life is like a heaven for them.
Mom and dad are also happy for them. Obviously!
And so is everyone else. My sister now partially belongs to them. Of course, they can never have all by themselves. I am gonna  keep her with me. huhu.. selfish me!
Anyway, 2015 was a great year for me and I hope 2016 will be better. And I pray and wish everyone a great healthy and awesome wonderful year.

Stay Safe

Be Well
